The weather was great (though scorching). By 11am we were at Blk 110 Lengkong Tiga, getting ready to serve tea to Groom's relatives. We had to serve tea to both mother and father's side. Boy there were so many people, I honestly cannot remember who is who!! I think I'll have to do up a family tree when I'm free. It was really funny to be serving tea to my new bro-in-law and to be served by new sis-in-law.
Buffet by Purple Sage (http://www.purplesage.com.sg/) was served at both bride and groom's parents' place. It was a pretty good spread, though I didn't really get to eat much! After all the tea drinking, we had to eat tang yuan whilst sitting on our new bed. I guess it's to symbolise yuan yuan man man tian tian mi mi.
We were right on schedule, if not earlier than expected. I changed into my tea dress (that stunning James Bond Red Hot number) and by 130pm we were back at the bride's house serving tea AGAIN. this time the tea had red dates. Some tradition again, to symbolise luck i suppose. By 2+pm, the first half of the day was completed!
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