Blogging after a long break is seriously damaging to health! Especially if you want to cover a whole month's journey! Regret..Should have done some at Neil's's taking me forever to cover this story!
Anyway, bear with me my children. Here's a history lesson number one for you:
The great statue of "Liberty Enlightening the World" that stands in upper New York Bay on Liberty Island (Bedloe's Island until 1956), a national monument since 1924 and one of the most cherished landmarks in the modern world, was created by the French sculptor Frederic-Auguste Bartholdi in France, transported in 1885 in parts on the French navy frigate Isère to the United States, and finally reassembled on Bedloe's island in time for dedication ceremonies that took place on October 28, 1886. The dedication day was proclaimed a national holiday, and President Grover Cleveland presided over ceremonies attended by about 1,000,000 people. (The actual presentation of the statue to the United States took place two years earlier in 1884, however.) Bartholdi's statue of a woman clad in flowing robes, with an uplifted arm, holding a torch (or flambeau) was constructed of 300 hammered copper sheets, originally stood 151 feet high and weighed 225 tons. It was based on the sculptor's own nine-foot model of a French seal. The purpose of the statue was to commemorate the enduring friendship between the people of France and the United States, as well as the centenary of U.S. independence (1776) and France's own revolution (17989) . Although the statue was first conceived by Bartholdi in 1871, its conception followed a proposal by Edouard de Laboulaye, a French Statesman, made at a dinner party in France in 1857 for the joint Franco-American endeavor.
The costs of constructing the statue and its pedestal were originally estimated at about $584,000, a quarter of a million of which was to be borne by the people of France with the remainder forthcoming from American sources.
WAKE UP WAKE UP!!! Are u yawning already? haha.. ok la, i shan't bore u. But the queue to that place was amazing. Fortunately we had our tix bought over the net, but we still had to join the q to board the boat. It took us a bloody 2 hours lor! There was nothing much except the statue. Afterwhich we went to Ellis Island. Had to take a short boat ride AGAIN.
here's history lesson number two: (have u put on the toothpicks on your eyelids?)
From 1892 to 1954, over twelve million immigrants entered the United States through the portal of Ellis Island, a small island in New York Harbor. Ellis Island is located in the upper bay just off the New Jersey coast, within the shadow of the Statue of Liberty. Through the years, this gateway to the new world was enlarged from its original 3.3 acres to 27.5 acres by landfill supposedly obtained from the ballast of ships, excess earth from the construction of the New York City subway system and elsewhere. From 1794 to 1890 (pre-immigration station period), Ellis Island played a mostly uneventful but still important military role in United States history. When the British occupied New York City during the duration of the Revolutionary War, its large and powerful naval fleet was able to sail unimpeded directly into New York Harbor. Therefore, it was deemed critical by the United States Government that a series of coastal fortifications in New York Harbor be constructed just prior to the War of 1812. After much legal haggling over ownership of the island, the Federal government purchased Ellis Island from New York State in 1808. Ellis Island was approved as a site for fortifications and on it was constructed a parapet for three tiers of circular guns, making the island part of the new harbor defense system that included Castle Clinton at the Battery, Castle Williams on Governor's Island, Fort Wood on Bedloe's Island and two earthworks forts at the entrance to New York Harbor at the Verrazano Narrows. The fort at Ellis Island was named Fort Gibson in honor of a brave officer killed during the War of 1812
I must say Ellis was rather interesting. If you're an American, you can find out who your ancestors were through some software. As we took the cruise back to shore, we were astounded to see how long the q was. At 4pm it was still pouring with people! Anyway, I decided to be Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman and instead of Rodeo Drive, we went 5th Ave! Come all the way to New York of coz must go 5th Ave rite? The crowd was amazing! So many people walking. It was a jungle. We met Esther and had dinner at STORM. Yum! Finally real food! Calamari, Mussles (That was fantastic), wings, chips with spinach....n of coz loads of Booze! Rubbing our stomachs, we drove out and stayed at a bar motel outside New York. Terrible condition! we didn't dare bathe that night. And the bed was utterly flat i could feel the springs. needless to say, Sex was out that night!haha
Very good journey and experience!
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