YES! I finally arrived at the last day of the trip!! 6 January 2008. Kind of sad when I'm writing this coz I didn't want to leave! 舍不得!We woke up after 10 horus of sleep and took a leisure drive down the coastline. visited Seal beach, long beach, Sunset beach and Huntington Beach. They were all about the same and we checked out Long Beach. Was dirty. Further up, there was a happening area where yatch was a galore. many merry-making teens were gathering their equipment and all ready to hit out to sea! Then, we alighted somewhere at Huntington where we saw some oil drilling machines. hmmm.....wonder if we can strike it rich there!haha..Facing the gold mine was the Pacific Ocean. Hearing the waves lap against the shore, I really felt like in paradise. The winds however was blowing and God knows how many knots per hour! Feeling bored, we adventured to downtown and Chinatown. It's ur typical dragon gate design and grafitti-filled buildings. Searched high and low for "In & out burger" which Neil said was a MUST TRY. finally after hours of searching, we found it! NOW WONDER IT"S A MUST-TRY! many ppl were there and it was cheap! only $1.69 for a burger! now we are speaking the same language! After our so called dinner, we thought of checking in the airport earlier as our 5 luggage was a little too much for us to stomach. Alas! the fellow at the counter said we couldn't check in till 8pm (it was 6pm then) as our flight was at 1145pm! what crap man! So we hung around (there were heaps of ppl) and by then we were really tired. I was having a headache after such a long wait and my mood wasn't exactly cheery. Finally it was 8pm, we headed to the counter n there was a long queue. Great. After that queue, we had to join some other queue to check in our luggage. Yes, be glad that SQ in Singapore Changi Airport does it for u there and then at the counter. We had to lug our 5 pcs of luggage to some other counter where there's 101 people there waiting to check in as well! It was a torture especially when u have a group of In****s in front of you! They come with their whole family! I was panicking when I saw large groups of them for our flight. I was like "that's it. this wasn't gonna be the more pleasant smelling flight ever" True enuff, all around us on board the plane, were the people who were gonna make our nose miserable. One passenger (i have no idea from where) was coughing as if she had TB!! I almost wanted to ask stewardess to chase her out the plane! Slept for a while and soon it was dawn. Food time! yeah! To be honest, i really look forward to meal times on board SQ. Unfortunately, service that day wasn't fantastic. The stewardess kept forgetting my orders. Finally after two rounds of such F***ed up service, I told the chief steward. Sorry to that person if she got a lecture from him, but then again, it's a service industry...u must uphold the standards! Else I sue u like for talking to my husband ah!hahaha..
After hours of flight, we finally arrived on transit at Taiwan. Hmm....I should make that my next desitination. Airport's very clean n nice. All passengers had to depart and board again. So troublesome. Fortunately there were some refreshment given by the airline. Only handicaps n those who were too old to get down, were pardon. N guess wat? When we re-board, our seats were used as a Bed for an old lady. wah lau! Made my cushion n blanket n seat smell la! (this time i'm not trying to be mean, but seriously her feet was on my cushion! Where's the courtesy la!!). I immediately threw the cushion onto the ground n refused to use it throughout the trip! at long last, we arrived at Singapore Changi Airport. For a moment, baby and I thought we were at T3, coz the place looked unfamiliar! haha. guess we were away for too long. but's T2. if we postponed our trip to 2 days later, we would have landed at T3. FIL came to pick us and we were back to our home sweet home shortly. I miss our cosy love nest!
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