What an unproductive day! I managed to only complete 1 out of 4 things i set for myself today! Was supposed to mark my stuff, throw and tidy my worksheets, come up with mindmaps and finish up the worked solutions for Algebra...but what did i do today? Hmm..let's see...woke up at 8am to pee, but officially got out of bed at 10am. Lazed around n watched olympics whilst marking till 12...afterwhich went GIANT to buy groceries. Went Alvan n Pam's house for seafood pasta. Was a little watery. Watched more olympics...woooo the synchronize diving was damnnn nice!.....no prize for who's the champ! n what a splash the Brits made! (not a good thing for those of u who know synchronize diving) Anyway, after breathing in hell lot of 2nd hand smoke (the chimneys must have collectively smoked a packet of ciggies within an hour!), I arrived home at 4+pm and started preparing the ingredients and washing the foodstuff bought earlier.
ANYWAY, consolation was, dinner was not too bad. 85% successful.
there's suppose to be fire underneath it if you eat it at a Thai restaurant, but hey, make do la huh. It's 95% there.
Vietnamnese Chicken. Supposed to be in hotpot, but errrr, i dont have la!
Added Dried tangerine peel, dried chilli, lemongrass. Tasted like normal chix though. According to fren, he has never had such a dish whilst in Vietnam!haha
Pad Puk Boong fai Daeng. Needs improvement. It's not even 20% like those in Thailand! strange. i went according to recipe!
SLURP! Tom Yum Soup!!!!....with seafood which apparently shrunk tremendously!haha. It wasnt as spicy...scared some ppl cannot take it. n had to add hell lot of lime to make it taste right. I added so much ingredients and salt, yet it was onli 90% like those in Thailand...imagine the amount of ingredients they add. Friends n bro in law was trying to help me perfect the taste by telling me to add more lime/ add more chilli etc etc. I had to use 3 packets of chilli paste! n the instructions said one pack serves 2 ie 60 cl of water! I used 2 packets thinking it'd serve 5, but Boy i was wrong.
If everyday cook like them, i think i'l go broke!
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