Been so freaking busy preparing my dearies for their exams the last few wks that I can't blog! M still in the midst of examinations but have to set aside some time to pen down the recent happenings before things starts to pile up. Took so many pictures but have no time to upload. This is terrible! Can barely breathe! Managed to do a little clearing of files and unwanted paper the last couple of days. The recycling centre is sooo gonna love me! Can't wait for the sch hols to come. That's when i can do major recycling of paper and not to mention clothes! Gotto seriously make space before sweetie starts complaining again!
The feast featured today was whipped up 2 Sundays ago i think. It's been so long i can't remember! M drooling as I blog...n m seriously hungry now...wish I could have Geylang's Frog's porridge (had 10 frogs the other day with 3 other people...gosh..10!!) the Shoes...nice right? unfortunately, i've used them only once. bought it coz all those cheapo Cheena "nike" shoes i've bought gave way each time i exercise. Issit God's way of telling me i shouldn't exercise? hmmm....
Ok, let the photos do the talking..I gotto get back to work. Sigh...Next blog's coming up -- F1...Vrrrooooooom

This soup is filled with power ingredients! So much so, friends couldn't stop slurping on it! Inspired by my trip to Desaru once again. This bittergourd soup is unlike those coooked previously. In fact, i've never tasted such style in Sg. It's boiled using pork, liver, bones...dried scallop, fake abalone (that big pc u are seeing in the picture) n some dried mushrooms. oooo no wonder sweetie is saying I m lavish when it comes to cooking! But it's certainly worth it!

French beans with yummy Salted Fish! Nice combi!
Gosh, this must be my favourite! It's been such a long time since I made this...Steamed stuffed squid. Mummy dearest used to cook this. An all time favourite! The gravy is naturally sweet. Heavenly!

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