Decided to post another entry coz I'm utterly stressed up with my schedule for the new year. As usual, things have started to be chaotic. Planning had commenced way in advance but to my dismay, plans kept changing. All the way till Saturday. I thought everything was in tip top condition and my plan was perfect for the new academic year. BUttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt things happen. Suddenly, someone wanted an additional hour....thus things have to be shift back. Fortunately, there are some kind souls out there who are totally supportive and understanding of my predicament. Then, you would have thought that I can continue to enjoy my game of golf (ok, technically, i wasnt golfing that day, was just practising at the range...have a really cool shot of this little boy doing his kidding, he was really good. Will download it probably tmw). Anyway, yup, halfway thru my swings, several other smses from parents came in saying that their child has CCAs..supplementary classes etc etc etc. The most classic one is "my kid needs to rest + eat so can u come after 3?"....sure. I understand...but does anyone understand my plight? If everyone is asking for 3, then how am I going to fit them in? Anyway anyway, after all the hoohas, I once again miraculously reshuffled things and negotiated my way around and planned things nicely..with only ONE who has not confirmed yet. however, based on last yr's experience, this little one is able to make it early...The mommy unfortunately did not reply me till today. n guess what? She said that we can't do it at the early slot...sch has extended hours! WTH. (ops..sorry..m really frustrated if you haven't sensed it) Then she requested for after 230pm. Thanks. the time is 2.30am now and I seriously do not know how I can plan around this time. I might have to give her up...but then again, she's very attached to me and have done really well under my wings. She's a joy to teach too. Sigh...really stressful...but it's really first come first serve! I can't possibly compromise every request! PLUS, requests have been coming in since last yr!...if you have a special request, you jolly well tell me in advance and I'll try to accommodate. can't they just cluster at my house since everyone loves the "after 3pm" slots?? grrrrr. Have already accepted one desperate waiting list case coz my long time kid apparently wants to start only after mid yr exams coz he's simply too lazy. He has requested for me to keep his slot..but HALLooooo...i m earning my greens and have to be fair to others too ya! If you are only keen in your personal convenience and likings, then I'm sorry, I'm just not your beck and call. So, I've told him to contact me after his exams to see if i still have that slot available. He ended the sms conversation by saying "okie...keep a slot for me ya"...sure.
Apparently, this year, there are two gps treating me like their beck and calls. One wants to start in Feb and did not inform till i called and the other was the one who wanted to commence after Mid year. Take charge of your own life people! It's your future and you've gotto be more responsbile!
ok...enough of these's getting me nowhere. had been complainin for the last hour and getting on my friend's nerves. Each time I talk to him, I'm always filled with ramblings about life. Advice from him : instead of complaining, why not try finding a way out...sit down n think! Else more bad stuff will come your way. OKOK...I'll get on to it!
Before I do some serious planning, here's other updates: My storeroom was filled boxes which were in turn filled with BOOKS! Yes, LOADS OF THEM! URGH!!! They are all in a much so, I've lost track of what I have! Thus I made up my mind to get myself another bookshelf..
Off I went to IKEA on Saturday afternoon to get myself a BILLY. Wanted black but it only came in Black-brown....I assembled the pieces myself whilst sweetie was playing with his new GE phone ...I'm so capable right?! Jack of all trades!
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