After an hour, I sashayed down Orchard and with a spontaneity bug, I entered Isetan Lido. Saw a pair of Celine heels.....Ohhhhh how I wish they were mine!!!! Was in tremendous need of retail therapy. I've been holed up long enough. Call it anti-recession therapy or whatsoever, I needed to spend small. The items were however disappointing, perhaps due to budget constraints, I did not really check things out. I miss the States!!! URGH! Couz P was showing to me the stuff she bought on her recent trip to NY...GOSH...I miss Woodsbury!! She must have bought like $1k worth of shoes! I kid you not, that woman is a shoe freak. not to mention a spendthrift! A small part of me was envious (or jealous) nevertheless. In all honesty, despite having a truckload of clothes, shoes and bags, none are obscenely expensive. I should really invest in more practical stuff which spells more glamour or flamboyance perhaps? Expensive, but worth it. However, to do that, I would probably need more moola and approval from sweetie! Men. They won't understand the joy derived from having a different bag to carry each day or the effect that shoes have on us.
Anyway, enough of my musings, feast your eyes...literally:
The Japanese feast was served in less than half an hour! Now that's what I call fast food.
This was whipped up some time last wk. Was craving for some omega 3, thus I bought a small slice of fish and tried steaming it with belachan. Not bad but sweetie didn't like the "smelliness". Was trying to emulate what the mee sua stall along Changi Road was selling. Their steam fish are simply out of this world! My result -- 50% close? There must be a particular brand of sauce which they are using! Next on the menu -- Terriyaki chicken. Cooked almost a dozen and was worried that we could not finish. Surprise Surprise! WE DID! in fact, we wolfed down the entired dinner and left no evidence of it! Soup of the day -- Corn, carrot and potato with onion soup. Absolutely SWEET! baby loved it!
The thrill of seeing my sweetie enjoying my "fruits of labour" and licking up every last bit of the soup gives me a sense of unexplanable exhilaration. I wish I can tantalise his tastebuds more often, but unfortunately I do not have the luxury to do so. Work and money simply doesn't permit. I yearn for the day where I can pursue my passion, seek knowledge and shop without hesitation and guilt. For now, that will only be a dream.
PS: Did I mention? After much procrastination and feeling the seams suffocating me day by day, I went brisk walking with Couz P on Wednesday after a blood boiling session with J. Each time is a test of patience. Back to brisk walking....we walked from Bedok Court, through the park connector, to East Coast Park, to Bayshore Park Tunnel (was hoping to hit a nearer tunnel, but overestimated our abilities), out the tunnel and back to Bedok Court. My guess on distance travelled -- 6km! Amazingly, I perspired quite a bit! I'm usually really bad at detoxing via my perspiration!
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