I wanted to entitle the post "Woe-is-gone?" as a continuation from the post before, but thought with the above title, it'd be easier to search in future when I feel am hit by nostalgia and feel like reminiscing. But don't worry, this is not entirely a soliloquy on love.
Much has happened since you were back. An influx of emotions welled up in me due to your insensitivity which constantly render me helpless. It certainly didn't help with that message from a certain someone albeit "by mistake". You have turned me into a paranoid monster, constantly speculating about possible future harms and catastrophic effects which confined me into a mentality of victimhood, resulting in social and relationship paralysis. This irrational fear always creeps in for some strange reason. It's not easy to rekindle such intense love and reading teenage blog posts on puppy love sends a strange tingle down my spine. I want that sensation once more. Like bubbles in soda water! A relationship requires time, effort and reciprocity. Expectations in a relationship are usually implicit, subtle and unsaid, and as a result prone to neglect.
However, I've straightened my thoughts, at least for now. With newfound courage and determination, I'm trying to silence my nagging doubts. Life is filled with positive and negative moments. Good times don't come easy and I believe one must go looking for good times. I revel my good moments and try to stretch them as much as I can. We all have an invisible bucket which can be filled or emptied depending on what others do or say to us. Making strangers feel good is chicken feat compared to making those we love feel good. Seems that the people we love are the ones who try us the most. But that as it may, working towards a positive home environment must be the number one priority in our lives. John Gottman's research on marriage suggests that a magic ratio of 5 : 1 in terms of the balance of positive to negative interactions is crucial for a successful marriage. Without a doubt, we all love positive moments. We all suffer from negativity bias, that is, we react to the bad more strongly and persistently than to the comparable good. Research shows one consequence of negativity bias is that when people's thoughts wander, they tend to begin to brood. Anxious or angry thoughts capture our attention more effectively than happier thoughts. Perhaps my mind's a wanderer, which explains the constant negative status updates on FB -- which is amazing as my plate is amazingly full! (I'm at Session 3 of my course right now and have just printed a stack of notes to plough through. Thankfully, the exam season is coming to an end)
Read this off somewhere: When u are feeling overwhelmed (U bet I am!), schedule a breather for yourself (hmmm when??). You'll equip yourself to deal more effectively with tough situations. Give yourself a proper vacation. Sit down and enjoy what you are doing! You bet I will! Can't wait for the forthcoming trip to Phuket! Air tix and a gorgeous ocean view suite with in-room jacuzzi has been booked! Everything looks set to let the bucket overflow.
On a happier note, to mark our anniversary on 14th October 2010, the following were done to fill my bucket:
Massage, Feet Soak, Mud Wrap and ear candling for TWO! The whole works @ Aramsa, the Garden Spa. Nice sanctuary though customer service could be improved on. At least put on a smile! The massage did not start on time, but ended 5 minutes earlier (they thought we weren't counting). However, as I lounged myself in their relaxation room, sipping the lemongrass/ ginger tea and nibbling on some oatmeal sesame biscuit, everything seemed to be insignificant.
Package amounted to $396 before taxes.
Dinner was @ the highly rated Morton's of Chicago. Sweetie was in the MOOD and wanted to splurge thus Morton's it was. Tried making a reservation but was told that earliest seating was at 915pm due to overwhelming business that night. Mind you, it was a weekday!

Service excellent! Knowing that it was my anniversary (they asked, thus I told!), they printed a menu specially for us with the words "HAPPY ANNIVERSARY". N they were ours to keep!

The whole place was bustling with activities. Several groups of executives packed the room. We were oblivious to their presence and engaged in our lovey dovey talks (if any), but were half the time shouting at the top of our voices.

For starters: Pacific Oysters on the Half Shell for HIM and Lobster Bisque for ME. Have this insane passion for lobster bisque and was high on expectations, however, the bisque at Morton's is a tad too creamy for my liking. lacks flavour from the sea. Oysters however were fresh!

Mains: Filet Mignon, Bearnaise Sauce.
Sweetie desperately wanted to plunge his knife into the succulent piece of meat but I intercepted and managed to take a shot.

Definitely Medium rare! Done with perfection. Sweetie had no complaints that night. Usually he'd be grumbling incessantly about how overly done or bloody the meat is, but tonight, he was speechless and sinking his teeth in this delectable treat.
Broiled Salmon Filet, Chef's Sauce Beurre Blanc
Broiled doesnt sound too exciting initially, but taste it and you won't regret. It's slightly crispy at the bottom but probably because I'm having too much cream, I couldn't finish the huge piece of steak! GOSH! There goes part of the $52!

Sides -- Lyonnaise Potatoes were charged separately and thanks to our "talking menu" (yes, a waitress, who knew it was our first time, came forth to introduce the various cuts and chef recommendations on the menu. Her bubbliness was infectious and apart from that, she was armed with a trolley of beef steaks , alaskan king crab legs etc. Impressed)

As it was our anniversary, dessert was on the house! How sweet is that? Furthermore I didn't need to be a cheapskate this time and ask! We ordered their Hot lava Chocolate cake. A must-try! The warm chocolate is a perfect complement to the ice-cold vanilla by the side. Heavenly!

Despite all the shit, cheers to a happy 4th and many more to come!
The staff at Morton's went on to impress me by taking shots of us and giving them to us as gifts! I was speechless and bowled over by their service standards. Well, good things don't come cheap, cheap things don't come good. The meal was the most exorbitant thus far. That day itself, we must have spent close to $1k! OMG! Shall be eating wanton noodles at East Coast Park Food Centre next year! haha

How can the night be done without a present from the hubs? Thank you darling! I hope the gifts get "upgraded" every year! :)
Baby, I know it's tough living with someone whom you deem is perpetually having PMS every month/ day. Thank you for putting up with all my nonsense. We have survived 12yrs without killing each other, thus chances are we're in a good place.
Much has happened since you were back. An influx of emotions welled up in me due to your insensitivity which constantly render me helpless. It certainly didn't help with that message from a certain someone albeit "by mistake". You have turned me into a paranoid monster, constantly speculating about possible future harms and catastrophic effects which confined me into a mentality of victimhood, resulting in social and relationship paralysis. This irrational fear always creeps in for some strange reason. It's not easy to rekindle such intense love and reading teenage blog posts on puppy love sends a strange tingle down my spine. I want that sensation once more. Like bubbles in soda water! A relationship requires time, effort and reciprocity. Expectations in a relationship are usually implicit, subtle and unsaid, and as a result prone to neglect.
However, I've straightened my thoughts, at least for now. With newfound courage and determination, I'm trying to silence my nagging doubts. Life is filled with positive and negative moments. Good times don't come easy and I believe one must go looking for good times. I revel my good moments and try to stretch them as much as I can. We all have an invisible bucket which can be filled or emptied depending on what others do or say to us. Making strangers feel good is chicken feat compared to making those we love feel good. Seems that the people we love are the ones who try us the most. But that as it may, working towards a positive home environment must be the number one priority in our lives. John Gottman's research on marriage suggests that a magic ratio of 5 : 1 in terms of the balance of positive to negative interactions is crucial for a successful marriage. Without a doubt, we all love positive moments. We all suffer from negativity bias, that is, we react to the bad more strongly and persistently than to the comparable good. Research shows one consequence of negativity bias is that when people's thoughts wander, they tend to begin to brood. Anxious or angry thoughts capture our attention more effectively than happier thoughts. Perhaps my mind's a wanderer, which explains the constant negative status updates on FB -- which is amazing as my plate is amazingly full! (I'm at Session 3 of my course right now and have just printed a stack of notes to plough through. Thankfully, the exam season is coming to an end)
Read this off somewhere: When u are feeling overwhelmed (U bet I am!), schedule a breather for yourself (hmmm when??). You'll equip yourself to deal more effectively with tough situations. Give yourself a proper vacation. Sit down and enjoy what you are doing! You bet I will! Can't wait for the forthcoming trip to Phuket! Air tix and a gorgeous ocean view suite with in-room jacuzzi has been booked! Everything looks set to let the bucket overflow.
On a happier note, to mark our anniversary on 14th October 2010, the following were done to fill my bucket:
Package amounted to $396 before taxes.
The whole place was bustling with activities. Several groups of executives packed the room. We were oblivious to their presence and engaged in our lovey dovey talks (if any), but were half the time shouting at the top of our voices.
For starters: Pacific Oysters on the Half Shell for HIM and Lobster Bisque for ME. Have this insane passion for lobster bisque and was high on expectations, however, the bisque at Morton's is a tad too creamy for my liking. lacks flavour from the sea. Oysters however were fresh!
Mains: Filet Mignon, Bearnaise Sauce.
Sweetie desperately wanted to plunge his knife into the succulent piece of meat but I intercepted and managed to take a shot.
Definitely Medium rare! Done with perfection. Sweetie had no complaints that night. Usually he'd be grumbling incessantly about how overly done or bloody the meat is, but tonight, he was speechless and sinking his teeth in this delectable treat.
Broiled Salmon Filet, Chef's Sauce Beurre Blanc
Broiled doesnt sound too exciting initially, but taste it and you won't regret. It's slightly crispy at the bottom but probably because I'm having too much cream, I couldn't finish the huge piece of steak! GOSH! There goes part of the $52!
Sides -- Lyonnaise Potatoes were charged separately and thanks to our "talking menu" (yes, a waitress, who knew it was our first time, came forth to introduce the various cuts and chef recommendations on the menu. Her bubbliness was infectious and apart from that, she was armed with a trolley of beef steaks , alaskan king crab legs etc. Impressed)
As it was our anniversary, dessert was on the house! How sweet is that? Furthermore I didn't need to be a cheapskate this time and ask! We ordered their Hot lava Chocolate cake. A must-try! The warm chocolate is a perfect complement to the ice-cold vanilla by the side. Heavenly!
Baby, I know it's tough living with someone whom you deem is perpetually having PMS every month/ day. Thank you for putting up with all my nonsense. We have survived 12yrs without killing each other, thus chances are we're in a good place.
"You can't have a better tomorrow if you are thinking about yesterday all the time."
"Keep the eyes wide open before marriage and half shut afterwards." - Benjamin Franklin
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