Solitude is an empowerment I can give myself and this time, it's me, myself and the hubs @ Phuket! A long awaited trip since my solo Japan trip in mid 2010 which didn't seem too long ago, but work this year has been particularly hectic and you don't realise the fatigue seeping in until you stop work.

That's the problem when you travel on budget. Not enough leg space thus some asshole from behind decided to stick his huge, fungi-infested big toe through my armrest. I was rudely awoken from my siesta by the tickling sensation which sent chills down my spine even now when I think of it!
Our resort was RayaBuri Beach Club, which was situated at the secluded end of Patong Beach. Very nice area and only 6 suites facing the sea. Wasn't quite what I've imagined, but I guess for the price I paid, I had to be satisfied. It was really sweet of them to do up the room as it was our "honeymoon"
Waking up each morning, breathing in the fresh air, was something beyond description. It is during such periods of relief and serenity, that I truly appreciate nature.

Right after a quick booze and an unsatisfying bite (sweetie commented that I cook better Tom Yum Soup), we rented an adorable pink bike for 200bht per day. the hubs looked silly riding it, but thank goodness for him, else we wouldn't be having such great fun!
The night progressed with great food! Was really anticipating this part of the trip. The aroma of appetite-whetting foods wafted in the air the minute we set foot in the restaurant.

The entire skyline was lit by the illuminating glow as brightly-lit pubs and discos decorated Bangla Street. The streets had funny names ie Soi Tiger, Soi Lion, Soi Vegas. It was at least 15 yrs back that I've been to such a place and back then, as I was a kid, I didn't know much thus I practically fell asleep whilst the "performances" were on. Was really keen on watching a sleazy "Tiger" show but the hub said they'd usually fleece you and pressure you to buy alcohol. Seeing that budget's tight, I decided to give it a miss. The hub wasn't too keen on seeing such acts too. Am pretty thankful that his testosterone were not triggered by such thoughts!
Taking peektures with ladyboys. Told the hub to take a picture with them, grabbing onto their breasts but he actually resisted! haha
The dissonance of the bustling traffic intensified as the night progressed but I was indifferent as I soaked in the in-room jacuzzi.
Day 2: I was roused from my deep slumber by anticipation. Look @ how refresh I am! The stinging chill of daybreak was slapping my face, turning it rosy in a heartbeat. I passed the balcony and saw silvery mist cloaking the land as dewdrops glistening on blades of coconut leaves gradually evaporating into the sky which was a dual hue of orange and purple. The picturesque scene woke me up as I immersed in the company of whom you love. That is something money cannot buy.
Look ma, I've got big boobs too!
A new day beckoned. With its brilliant rays being cast across the land, an artist's masterpiece was created. GOOD MORNING! The glorious morning sun was rising higher and higher into the cerulean blue sky.
the adventurous duo strikes again. Armed with a map and some directional sense, we headed towards Phuket town which was disappointingly small and nothing much but food, food and more food.
We were going round in circles and made a stop to orientate ourselves. Guess where we had to stop?

Entrusted my life to this man whom I call my Husband. the journey (pun intended) was an arduous one with several steep turns to negotiate and mountainous regions to overcome. At that instant, the trust I had in him rekindled. Faith is such a big word that comes with his partner, Trust. Despite being shaken due to recent events, the string that I fervently hold onto, one that I might absentmindedly twirl as I think, is still pretty strong. I just hope some people around him (a particular someone whom I wish would vanish from this face of this earth) would stop calling at unearthly and inappropriate hours just to bitch about her fantasies and escapades. Totally improper. Inappropriate and shaking the faith. Call me petty but that's definitely the rights of a wife! Take a step back and you'd realise how tolerant and magnanimous I've been. Sometimes, human beings can be so oblivious and unappreciative.
Made a stop before we went uphill to visit the Big Buddha. Check out the undernourished wing which is as small as a shrimp!
Along the way up to see the Big Buddha of Phuket. The view was breathtaking and peektures do no justice.

The radiating heat intensified the tangy salty air of the ocean creating an invigorating mix to the delightful afternoon. The gentle breeze blew across the beach, soothing and caressing my skin.
The symphony of sheepish giggles and boisterous laughter of the weekenders at the beach was a soothing merry tune. Wish everyday was like this.

The hubs wanted a good meal at a good restaurant, thus we decided to give Chicago Steakhouse a try. Don't expect too much though. Prices start from 250bht onwards.
Strolled back to our hotel and couldn't resist having a nutella crepe which cost only 40bht! Enjoyed this dessert with the love one by the beach. The cool breeze brought with it the calming scent of the evening as the day got ready to retire. The final moment of the night was surreal as time seemed to pause to catch its concluding breath.
A luxury indeed. Enjoying a hilarious movie (Grown-up) with hub over some booze and Char Siew Bao flavoured potato chips! The night sky was studded with glittering stars. The absence of clouds allows the stars to form a stark contrast against the sky. I wish everything would momentarily pause as I embraced in his hugs and kisses.

Day 3: The last day of our trip was plagued with several events. First up a flat tyre! Thankfully we have completed all our adventures. I cannot envision what would have happened if we were stranded with a flat on top the Big Buddha hill! I'd really need to pray hard for help then!
Wasted an hour in the morning and 150bht to get it fixed. Talk about efficiency.

Finally had a bowl of my favourite, addictive chicken kway teow!

the discovery of a Premium outlet @ Phuket led to an orgasmic high but upon arrival, it was a disappointment. The selection of stores were pathetic with no big brands except mediocre brands like Adidas and Nike and of coz the big boys of golf. Tried really hard to reach the minimum amount to claim VAT ie. 2000bht but failed miserably! Ended up buying some lingerie and sweetie bought some golf accessories.

The hubs had indigestion and the runs on our last night. What a bummer! Coupled with the fact that he received calls from that certain someone, i plummeted into a rather foul mood. I had this picture in my mind: The fury seething in me had turned me into a nose-flaring monster that was literally breathing fire. Why are some people just low on EQ? The ring tone clearly indicates that we are overseas. Why the persistence? I controlled. Didn't want to end the trip on a bad note. Clenching my hands into a tight fist, I retracted the indignation which was earlier emitting from my eyes. (PS it didn't help that upon arrival in SG, a miss call/ msg was received and the hub insensitively wanted to meet up with her. Why the urgency to meet someone else's hubby? Get a life bitch! Go whine to your bf or bff!)
Didn't have a good sleep on the last night. Tossed and turned in bed. The bustling atmosphere of the night ceased and was punctuated only by the occasional honking which I was initially oblivious to. Wanted to play Monopoly with the hubs, but he was really not up to it. There was utterly nothing to do and I had finished my reads. the telly had really poor reception and due to constant surge of electricity, one particular bulb kept flickering. The obscurity of the night was augmented by the eerie silence. Finally, after an hour or so, I managed to get some rest. However, panic invaded the room as I heard a blast. Worried that the hub fainted or a bomb had ignited, I literally jumped out of bed!I could hear my own pulses as my heart palpitated with the chilling fear that was setting in. With my blurry eyesight, the hubs explained that one of the bulbs in the toilet had exploded and fragments of glass were in the jacuzzi! Talk about an eventful night! Thank God the hub was not injured!
Arrived way early at the airport which was a distance away (around 30min drive). There was effectively nothing much to do but eat. Shopping at DFS wasn't cheap.
Finally, boarded the plane and was on our way home. Look at the cute stewardess in the adorable huge pink glasses! She talked funny too! haha
The aberration of this weekend was a welcome. Now, what's next?
came across your blog from ickleoriental. :)
what a nice getaway! I've always wanted to go for short tours but the time-table that i had now forbids it.
it's warm-heartening to know that they decor the hotel room so nicely.
Hi Shirley
Thanks for dropping by. Hmm having ur hands full with a little one? =)
it was indeed a pretty nice getaway, a little lost n reluctant to get my motor started right now.
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