Here we are, at the scenic Pulai Desaru Resort! Selemat Datang?
An absolute display of their lack in artistic talents. Worst of all, they didn't prepare as told before my arrival! In addition, they sent someone from housekeeping to lay these "fresh petals" (probably from their garden) AFTER i've settled down in the room. Guess what? The stupid housekeeping didn't knocked before entering! Talk about service! Luckily I was decent!
Loads of kids playing games like table-tennis, pool and dart. it's a playground. Or should i say a Zoo. Take about an Escapade. Sigh
Chilling out
Time to say bye bye
HELLO SPOA RESTAURANT! Kelong style! been a long time since i've been here. It's still the same rustic feel. no change. Surprised?
Aiyo..look at those cheeks again. sigh. Lipo on cheeks perhaps?
The next few pictures are probably gonna shock u. It's the meal my sweetie and I had. Yes. this meal is for two and we actually FINISHED IT to the very last drop!
Gong gong was Sedup with their belachan! The steam crab was heavenly too! The meal cost us a whoppin 134.80 (RM OF COURSE!)
However, this place is not a place for the weak hearted. (aka hygiene conscious)

Spa Escapade.
Well sort of. That was what I was trying to arrange for sweetie and me. Unfortunately, things didn't turn out the way they were. I booked Pulai Desaru Beach Resort for the wkend (coz it's the only time in the whole freaking week where I have some time for myself!). After making sure that the relevant "authorities" like ppl i m doing work for, n parents, were informed, sweetie and I headed off at 1030am. Reached Tuas Causeway at around 11am and it wasn't till 12+ that we entered malaysia! We were soooo galvanished with boredom in the car that we started reading the Straits Times! The traffic was simply still at times!
Finally after entering the foreign land, we headed to this ulu ulu place near Palm Resort where sweetie often play golf with cousin. Gosh, I don't know how these people know of such place..SO ULU! but the food is delicious! There were two shops selling exactly the same thing by the road, but one of them had four times as many customers as the other. Strange isn't it? Fengshui? hmmm
After a 1.5 hour drive via Kota Tingi, we arrived at Desaru. My baby is sooo smart when it comes to roads in Malaysia...but somehow, he's an absolute tourist in Singapore. He claims in Singapore, there's always me around. *GRrrr* Was disappointed upon checking in. Upon entering room 230, we found 3 single beds in a big big room! WHY DO I NEED 3 FREAKING BEDS when there's two of us! moreover, when confirming, I've written to the resort to have my room nicely decorated with flower petals as I wanted it as a surprise for my darling..(hmm, such things should be done by the man, but what the hell)..guess what? no PETALS! n best of all, when we went back to the reception to request for a room with King size bed, without checking, the lady claims there's no more rooms with such beds!! I was pissed! U think I've never worked in a resort before! If such a service came from a 5 star hotel, the GM would have to bow down to me! A veteren then came and handled my case and "upgraded" me to some other room. Claimed there's no more garden view rooms. Sweetie was so pissed he said just give us any room, whatever view. No view also ok! once she has cut the keys for us, she informed that since it was a last minute "upgrade" her housekreping did not arrange for petals. YAH RITE! as if they've arranged for it BEFORE my arrival! LAME. plus i arrived jus after check-in time! it's not like i was early! The whole place was pretty disappointing. The beach was disgusting. Sand was course (ok, most sand ARE course) but there were leaves and twigs all over. N huge boulders in the sea covered with algae. Yucks right? The pool was alright. Plagued with screaming children. talk about having a spa escapade.
The spa part now -- our appt was at 5pm. we arrived 10 min before n the therapists were still bz. Fine, we waited. Were served with ginger tea with a chipped cup. Thanks. Finally after a long wait (at about 515), the therapists arrived n led us to a room. yes. literally a room, not a spa-rish room, but their guest room. there was a balcony outside and apparently there were two customers from previous treatment who were still there enjoying their juices and chit-chatting!!they were so loud and the therapists simply switched on the radio to a higher volume! Grrrrr again. the whole massage of 60 mins was so so only. the fellow had no strength. maybe too tired. Pity them too, but hey, I'm also a paying customer k! After the massage, they woke me up, left the room and NEVER CAME BACK! talk about service. I guess there's none. I'm so gonna save up and book myself a decent Spa package somewhere else the next time. This time too rush, just had to go cheap (ie. RM484 for a night's stay, 60 min massage for two, breakfast...hmm, i guess we shouldn't be complaining too much la huh) BUTtt, this place is still getting the thumbs down from me.
That nite, we had BBQ buffet dinner., The spread wasn't great to be honest, except for the flower crabs which I had lots of. Wanted to have some chicken satay badly, but each time i went to the station, There was only Mutton. Guess why? There were loads of Singaporeans at that place too! they were displaying their Kiasu-ism by standing in front of the BBQ pit for the chef to cook the satays! grrrr..it's ok, the kopitiam right at my house has great satays too. once for 50cents! HRMPH. that dinner cost us RM $55 each. Not cheap for their standards. Slept extremely early that night. 1030pm. SHIOK! Wish everyday can be like that, then I wont have so many breakouts! but damn it, i woke up at 314am to pee. grrr
Sunday came. after breakie, we went for a swim. I swam 10 laps whilst baby basked in the sun. afterwhich, we lazed around till check-out time. SHIOK. time to head back Singapore. I suggested that we have lunch at Pasir Gudang, Tanjong Puteri Resort. It's been a long time since we've visited that place for seafood. Thus sweetie was gamed too. only problem, we didn't know how to go from Desaru! being the adventurous us, we followed the signs and guess what? WE MADE IT! (didn't even get lost!) The amount of food we ate was shocking! *BURP* At 340pm, we headed towards Johor. Bad jam. As usual. Singaporeans simply dont have courtesy. If only they take their positions and occasionally allow a car or two into their lanes instead of tail-gating, thing wont be so bad. There was even a minor accident with two cars along the way. Really disgusted by how Kiasu Singaporeans are. Even when it comes to getting through customs. SO what if they are there a car before me? Is there gonna be a prize waiting for them? Come on! we took about 1 hour before we cleared both customs. As usual, the Singapore side was the slow mo.
Finally, I'm hm now, blogging. :-). This trip, despite the few hiccups, has its plus points. I totally did not switch on my phone for a day! great move! coz the fellow whom i've informed I'll be away, called me on Sunday. Good lor, continue taking me for granted and always askin me to pick things up at the last minute. Some people are simply irresponsbile! Thinking I'll always be available. best of all, I DID inform....but did u listen? Well i have proof that u did. Your Sms. How to do business like that? sell to me la. haha
ok. To wrap things up, baby and I felt semi-rejuvanated after this short trip. hope that we'll be charged up for the coming wk. :-)
Take a break guys. Don't always work work work.
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