It was teacher's day on mOnday. Happy Teacher's Day to all teachers and TUTORS out there!
It's a day with mixed feelings for me. On the one hand, the young and innocent little children showered me with loads of gifts (some of which i think I'm a little too old to use..nevertheless, i'm young at heart!), but on the other hand, sad that some of my students did not even wish me. I even had to listen to how some of them celebrated the day at school. Thanks lor :-(. Especially those whom I've been teaching for eons. 3 in particular who always gave me gifts (on mommy's instructions of coz) made my heart ache. In their eyes I'm like a big sister, but this year, nothing. not even a greeting. Heart-shattering right? think that I've been thru thick and thin with them for years. Ok fine, i did not see them on the actual day, but hey, there are some who wished me and made little hearts for me like a wk before. yet on the day itself, i din get shit from anyone. :-(
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